SHA Analytics, LLC is selected as part of several Financial Advisory teams by LA Metro for its Regional Rail Strategic Financial Advisory On-Call Services contract. Metro’s Regional Rail unit is responsible for the planning, programming, and implementing commuter rail projects in L.A. County that are or will be operated by other agencies such as Metrolink, Amtrak, California High Speed Rail Authority, and freight. Under this on-call contract, the Regional Rail unit is seeking strategic financial advisory services to provide innovative strategies to bridge funding gaps for various capital projects under consideration.
Under this contract, SHA Analytics LLC may provide various support services, including risk analysis, P3 and alternative delivery method evaluations, financial modeling, financial feasibility analysis, and financial value analysis.
SHA Analytics, LLC is a Los Angeles based consulting firm that conducts economic, financial, and risk analyses on behalf of public agencies to assist in their decision-making process related to major infrastructure investments and policies. SHA Analytics, LLC is a certified SBE, DBE, WBE, and LBE.