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LACMTA I-5 HOV/ Truck Lanes Project from SR-14 to Parker Road

Supporting the FHWA Major Projects Process

FHWA Major Project Milestone Timeline

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) 


Los Angeles, CA


Risk Assessment and Risk Management

Financial Plan Development

Project Management Plan Development

FHWA Major Projects Process Timeline
Source: FHWA


SHA Analytics, LLC supported LACMTA’s Highway Program with it’s I-5 HOV/Truck Lanes Project from SR-14 to Parker Road. This project is classified as an FHWA Major Project. FHWA Major Projects are those with an estimated cost greater than $500 million and federal participation in project funding. FHWA Major Projects are subject to specific requirements, including an evaluation through FHWA’s project risk assessment process, referred to as the Cost Estimate Review (CER), as well as the requirement to develop and submit financial and project management plans to FHWA prior to the project funding agreement. 

SHA Analytics, LLC leveraged its experience with supporting prior FHWA Major Projects through these processes. Our work involved preparing the project for FHWA’s CER process by developing the initial project risk register and assisting with other key inputs to the FHWA risk workshop. Our staff also participated in the CER workshop led by FHWA. Following the workshop, we worked with LACMTA staff to develop the Project’s Initial Financial Plan and Project Management Plan. These documents require coordinated input from multiple departments within LACMTA. The IFP and PMP received approval from FHWA in Spring 2020. 

SHA Analytics, LLC continues to provide support to LACMTA on this project, providing risk management services during procurement and construction

  (310) 916-9494 |
  10880 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1101. Los Angeles, CA 90024

 SHA Analytics, LLC is a certified SBE/ DBE that provides decision support consulting services to clients in public infrastructure markets.

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