LASAN Solid Waste integrated Resources Plan Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis of LA's Zero Waste Plan

LA Sanitation (LASAN)
Los Angeles, CA
Financial Analysis
LA Sanitation Zero Waste Mural
Source: SHA Analytics, LLC
SHA Analytics, LLC worked closely with the City of Los Angeles Financial Management Division and planning staff to develop a financial plan and implementation strategy for City’s long-term Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP). SWIRP - commonly referred to as the City’s Zero Waste Plan – provides a long-term plan for the City’s solid waste programs, policies and environmental infrastructure through 2030. The City’s Zero Waste Plan is a public-private partnership designed to address the 3-million tons of waste disposed annually by businesses, consumers and residents. As part of this project, SHA Analytics, LLC led the effort to model the current financial context of the Solid Resources program, estimated the life-cycle cost of various projects, programs and policies that constitute SWIRP, and studied the fiscal implications of rolling out these programs, projects, and policies under different implementation schedules and funding mechanisms.
This analysis helped the City evaluate possible alternative funding mechanisms the City could pursue over the following 20 years to implement SWIRP. The financial model and resulting financial plan allow the City planners and managers to prioritize investments among various programs and facilities over the following 20 years and identify a proper approach to adjust service fees in the future and to meet City and State diversion goals.